
Auto locksmith services can be extremely helpful in a number of different situations. Nothing is more frustrating than locking your keys inside your car, especially when you are entirely reliant on your vehicle to go around. If you have lost access to your vehicle, read on and see how an auto locksmith Los Angeles can save your day before you start smashing that car window.

Guide to Auto Locksmith Services

Unlock locked cars

An auto locksmith generally specializes in unlocking vehicles. They use a variety of methods to break into cars. The method will depend on the type of vehicle and the type of lock system. The most popular with old car models is jimmying the lock. A car locksmith slides a slim jim (a narrow piece of metal) between the glass and the weather stripping on the car’s door to gain access to the lock. 

The method is different for cars with switched lock and unlock buttons near the inner panel of the doors. With such cars, the locksmith passes a J tool through the top of the window to lift the unlock button. Specific car models and designs need the use of an L tool instead. However, jimmying is not an option for newer vehicles with state-of-the-art alarm systems. Does your car has a keyless entry system? Then the locksmith will reprogram the code using a VATS passcode detector or the like to access your vehicle.

Extract broken keys

Occasionally, a key will break within the car’s lock. Locksmiths utilize a broken key extractor to remove the broken key or key pieces from the vehicle’s lock. A door handle clip removal tool is also used to take out the retainer clip. That clip secures a vehicle’s door handle to the door. After successfully extracting the broken key, an emergency auto locksmith can perform a car key duplication to replace it.

Duplicate mechanical and transponder keys 

Even a mobile locksmith can easily cut new mechanical car keys on the spot with a key cutting machine. However, duplicating keys with advanced features is a little more complicated. An automotive locksmith worth his salt can duplicate non-traditional car keys such as laser cut keys, remote keys, transponder keys, and smart keys. They can make remotes of keys with an immobilizer, as well. 

Program chip-integrated keys

Today’s vehicles come with chip-integrated keys. The locksmith must program the chip to your vehicle in order for the car to start. If your car key is self-programmable, then you may be able to program it yourself. Otherwise, an auto locksmith can use software to program your remote key or fob so that your car recognizes it and removes the old one so that it will no longer start the vehicle. This is particularly necessary when your key has been lost.

Change door and trunk lock

Auto locksmiths can also replace standard car door or trunk locks. Sometimes locks simply wear out, and having a way to replace a car lock with a new one can be pretty beneficial if security issues or problems emerge.

Do auto locksmith services fix ignition cylinder?

Yes, most auto locksmiths repair and replace car ignitions. Problems with the ignition usually have something to do with the cylinder into which the key was inserted. When dealing with more complicated issues, the locksmith may be able to replace the complete ignition, including the wiring.

Auto Locksmith Services Near Me

Call Kardo Locksmith for quick and reliable locksmith service if you are locked out of your car or need a replacement key. We service all brands and makes of cars, vans, and trucks, and we are capable to help you whenever you need us. Our emergency locksmith service is available 24/7 to get you back into your vehicle in no time.

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