This business in Los Angeles, CA, liked to keep it fresh when it comes to their security. Every few years, the owner finds it practical to have their locks rekeyed to prevent unfavorable conditions. So, after some employees’ contracts were up, they called Kardo Locksmith to request a lock rekey service. While a lock rekey would not change its security, it can serve as a way to keep control over key copies that they have given out in the past.

How We Did the Lock Rekey

Initial Assessment

The project started with a careful check of the storefront door to see how the locks worked and figure out the best way to rekey the lock.

Actual Rekeying Process

Our commercial locksmith carefully followed these steps to rekey a lock:

• Disassembling the Lock: To get to the internal cylinder, we carefully took the lock off the door and took it apart.

• Rearranging the Cylinder Pins: We moved the cylinder pins around to fit a new key configuration. This step is crucial for rekeying because it changes how the lock works on the inside without changing how it looks on the outside.

• Assembling and Testing: We adjusted the cylinder, then put the lock back together and fitted it on the door. After making the changes, we tested the new keys carefully to make sure they worked. 

Client Support and Interaction

Throughout the project, our team kept in touch with the client and made sure they understood every step of the way. We also addressed any concerns they had. This step made sure that the client knew what was going on and was comfortable with how things were going with the rekeying.

Completion and Quality Check

As a final quality check to make sure the new keys worked well and the locks were secure, our team did a final test. As expected, the door opened smoothly with a new set of keys.

Client Feedback

The client was happy with our locksmith’s efficient help and professional knowledge. They felt confident about the security of their business because they had full control over who could enter and leave their property.

Rekeying the client’s storefront door locks was a quick and easy part of the project that went well. The locksmith service they got made the client feel safer and at ease. They realized how important it is for businesses to keep their locks in good shape and control who can get in.

Why Businesses Should Change the Locks After People Leave

Why should your business change locks or rekey them when your staff quit their job, or the contract ends? Think about it: if a former employee still has a key, they can walk right back into your business. That is a big risk, right? That is where a commercial locksmith comes in handy. With a lock rekey or replacement, you make sure only people who should have access to your doors do. It is a smart move to keep everything and everyone inside safe.

Also, it is not just about changing locks after someone leaves. Locks get old and worn out, and they might not work as well as they used to. Regularly checking your locks and getting them fixed or updated by a reputable locksmith is a good idea. They can repair or replace locks, making sure they are secure and reliable. This way, you will not have any surprises with broken locks or safety issues. Have you checked your business’s locks lately?

Need a security check for your business? With Kardo Locksmith, you do not have to guess! Our team of trained experts is here for you. We offer the best in lock repair and lock rekey options, ideal for keeping your business doors secure in Los Angeles, CA. Trust our skilled commercial locksmiths to protect your premises. Do not let old or compromised locks put your hard work at risk. Get peace of mind today. Contact us today to request a quote.
